Sunday 24 April 2016

Ecocide of the Río de Aguas
This is a call upon the Junta de Andalucia to stop the ecocide of Rio De Aguas
The ancient fossil water aquifer located in the Sorbas-Tabernas basin in the province of Almeriahas been over exploited to a point that is about to disappear.
As a result of this unsustainable exploitation about 7,000 people are being affected by the water shortage in the area. Ecologically speaking the damage is irreparable, the indiscriminated extraction of subterranean water from the aquifer has led to a decrese in the spring waterflow, from 40 L/s to 3 L/s in the last few years. The Paraje Natural Karst en Yesos of Sorbas is a protected, remarkable and unique landscape in Europe that is also afected by the reduction of subterranean water from the aquifer has led to a decrese in the spring waterflow, from 40 L/s to 3 L/s in the last few years. The Paraje Natural Karst en Yesos of Sorbas is a protected, remarkable and unique landscape in Europe that is also afected by the reduction of the waterflow, Los Molinos del Rio Aguas spring in this arid Paraje Natural produces an oasis effect that hosts endemic and exclusive flora and fauna, including the southeast peninsular tortoise Tortuga Mora which is assessed as vulnerable in the IUCN Red List.
 El programa de divulgación sobre temas de Medio Ambiente, el Escarabajo Verde, emitió  “El último oasis” en el que se describe a través de entrevistas e imágenes la situación de sobreexplotación del acuífero que alimenta al manantial del río Aguas. El profesor de la UAL Jose María Calaforra, el presidente del GEM, José Rivera, o el coordinador provincial de Ecologistas en Acción, Marcos Diéguez, son algunos de los invitados al programa.

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