Sunday 13 March 2016

Educational itinerary


The Province and city of Almería are important areas of the Mediterranean basin with respect to their cultural heritage and environmental values.
Desertification is the environmental problem  here. As a result of the favourable climatic factors, it   has been place for civilizations since Prehistoric times. These polpulations have been using the natural environment (mining, shepherding, permanent agriculture...) with a slow but continuous destruction of the natural resources in these vulnerable Semi-arid ecosystems.
In addition, the recent and dramatic landscape transformation has resulted in the destruction of natural habitats and their component species.
In the last 50 years, the area of the city has increased from about 2.5 Km2 to about 10 Km2 .  The municipal territory occupies 296.21 Km 2. The present population is 193,000.
The urban area supports 200 vascular plant species, including varieties of palm trees (Phoenix dactilifera) from North Africa, Jacaranda, Ficus, Tetraclinis articulata, Anthirrinum hispanicum and the invasive ornamental species  Pennisetum setaceum. The typical urban habitats in the city contain ten important natural or semi-natural coastal, scrub and grassland habitats of plant communities.
This urban development is responsible for the landscape deterioration, the increasing in energy and water comsumption, in atmospheric pollution and solid urban waste and loss of green areas.
The predominant traditional agriculture system of family farms has been replaced by intensive agriculture, greenhouse and built development. This activity is depleting the aquifers, increasing the marine intrusion and raising salt levels in the soil. That is how this area becomes desertified.
On top of this, the current development model based in the tourism demand increases the consumption, the pressure on natural resources, the landscape alteration and the loss of cultural identity.
In order to palliate this negative impact on the natural protected areas , different measures have to be adopted for the preservation of the ZEPA (Zonas de Especial Protección para las Aves) areas and Natural Protected Places( Sierra Alhamilla, Desierto de Tabernas,Cabo de Gata-Níjar, Parajes Naturales de Alborán) and the high ecological value of plant and animal species and habitats they include.

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