Sunday 29 November 2015


Asexual Reproduction
When an organism reproduces it makes another organism of the same _________. Some organisms reproduce ________. Cows make more cows and pigs make more pigs. Sexual reproduction combines genes from a mother and a father, making a genetically _________ organism. Other organisms reproduce asexually. In asexual reproduction, all the genes come from a ________ parent. Asexually produced offspring are genetically __________ to the parent. There are many methods1 of asexual reproduction. In some one-celled organisms, _________________ is a method of asexual reproduction. Bacteria cells reproduce through cell division. The cell makes a copy of its _____ then sends the copy into a new bacteria cell. Some bacteria cells can reproduce fast, making a new cell every 20 minutes. Another method of asexual reproduction is budding. Unicellular yeast cells grow new cells off of the ______ of another. When the cell is developed it falls off and a new ________ cell is produced. Some organisms produce offspring by splitting into pieces. A sea anemone can split down the middle resulting in the production of another individual _________ to the original. Some worms if split will continue to live as ______ identical worms. Both sexual and asexual reproduction produce __________. However, asexual reproduction makes genetically ___________ offspring and sexual reproduction makes __________ offspring. Try taking a __________ of a plant. You will be making another that has the same DNA as the parent plant. You just helped the plant to reproduce asexually!
2. ges·ta·tion /jeˈstāSHən/ n. The process of carrying or being carried in the womb between conception and birth.
Below is a sentence from the video.
Some bacteria cells reproduce fast, making a new cell every 20 minutes.
Select the word that would best replace the word fast. (1) unhurried (2) rapid (3) leisurely (4) rapidly
1. According to the video, what is the gestation period of a pig? The amount of time a baby pig is in the womb is
2. How could two plants in different locations have the same DNA?

Create Complete the diagram.

Word Bank

Produce offspring
Genetically unique offspring
Genetically identical offspring

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