Sunday 26 January 2020

Levels of organisation.








Organ story

Monday 20 January 2020

Balanced diet. Teens and diet

What is a balanced diet?

Diet is the combined total nutrients we consume on a daily basis. A balanced diet provides all the necessary nutrients, in the right quantities. It allows us to stay healthy and to perform daily activities related to our age, environment and lifestyle.
In order for a diet to be considered balanced:
  • People who do not receive the necessary nutrients in the right proportions can suffer from malnutrition. Malnutrition is not only a result of eating little, but also of eating must provide enough calories and the right amount of essential nutrients: protein, calcium, iron, other minerals and vitamins.
  • animal protein should not exceed 40 % of the total amount of protein ingested.55 % of calories should come from carbohydrates, 30 % from fats, and 15  % from protein.
  • we should consume more vegetable fats, nuts, and fish and less animal fat and cholesterol.
  • the amount of vegetable fibre we consume must be sufficient to promote bowel movement, and the amount of water and minerals must compensate for the daily loss of these substances.

How to balance energy intake and expenditure

  • Diet. The amount and type of food determines its energy contribution to the body. If the diet contains less energy than is needed, the body's own tissues will break down to supply the energy required.
    It is important to balance
     energy intake (calories ingested as part of our diet) and energy expenditure (the energy the body needs each day):
  • Basal metabolism, or the energy consumed by the body's chemical reactions even when at rest, depends on sex (greater in men), age (decreases with age), and muscle-fat ratio (the higher the muscle-fat relationship, the higher the metabolic rate). Genetic factors may also play a part.
  • Type of occupation or physical activity. The more physical exercise we do, the more muscle we develop which increases basal metabolism and energy consumption.
  • If the diet contains more energy than the body needs, the excess energy is stored in the form of carbohydrates or fat.
In this second case, energy intake must be reduced to below energy expenditure. There are two ways to do this:
  •  Reduce the consumption of energy-dense foods.
  •  Do more physical exercise to increase energy expenditure.


10 Tips: Eat Smart and Be Active as You Grow

Healthy Tips for Teen Girls

Young girls, ages 10 to 19, have a lot of changes going on in their bodies. Building healthier habits will help you — now as a growing teen — and later in life. Growing up means you are in charge of foods you eat and the time you spend being physically active every day.
  1. Build strong bones 
    A good diet and regular physical activity can build strong bones throughout your life. Choose fat-free or low-fat milk, cheeses, and yogurt to get the vitamin D and calcium your growing bones need. Strengthen your bones three times a week doing activities such as running, gymnastics, and skating.
  2. Cut back on sweets 
    Cut back on sugary drinks. Many 12-ounce cans of soda have 10 teaspoons of sugar in them. Drink water when you are thirsty. Sipping water and cutting back on cakes, candies, and sweets helps to maintain a healthy weight.
  3. Power up with whole grain 
    Fuel your body with nutrient-packed whole-grain foods. Make sure that at least half your grain foods are whole grains such as brown rice, whole-wheat breads, and popcorn. 
  4. Choose vegetables rich in color 
    Brighten your plate with vegetables that are red, orange, or dark green. Try acorn squash, cherry tomatoes, or sweet potatoes. Spinach and beans also provide vitamins like folate and minerals like potassium that are essential for healthy growth.
  5. Check Nutrition Facts labels for iron 
    Read Nutrition Facts labels to find foods containing iron. Most protein foods like meat, poultry, eggs, and beans have iron, and so do fortified breakfast cereals and breads. 
  6. Be a healthy role model 
    Encourage your friends to practice healthier habits. Share what you do to work through challenges. Keep your computer and TV time to less than 2 hours a day (unless it’s school work). 
  7. Try something new 
    Keep healthy eating fun by picking out new foods you’ve never tried before like lentils, mango, quinoa, or kale. 
  8. Make moving part of every event 
    Being active makes everyone feel good. Aim for 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Move your body often. Dancing, playing active games, walking to school with friends, swimming, and biking are only a few fun ways to be active. Also, try activities that target the muscles in your arms and legs. 
  9. Include all food groups daily 
    Use MyPlate as your guide to include all food groups each day.
  10. Everyone has different needs
    Get nutrition information based on your age, gender, height, weight, and physical activity level. Use SuperTracker to find your calorie level, choose the foods you need, and track progress toward your goals.

10 Tips: Choose the Foods You Need to Grow

Tips for Teen Guys

Feed your growing body by making better food choices today as a teen and as you continue to grow into your twenties. Make time to be physically active every day to help you be fit and healthy as you grow.
  1. Get over the idea of magic foods
    There are no magic foods to eat for good health. Teen guys need to eat foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, protein foods, and fat-free or low-fat dairy foods. Choose protein foods like unsalted nuts, beans, lean meats, and fish.
  2. Always hungry? 
    Whole grains that provide fiber can give you a feeling of fullness and provide key nutrients. Choose half your grains as whole grains. Eat whole-wheat breads, pasta, and brown rice instead of white bread, rice, or other refined grains. Also, choose vegetables and fruits when you need to “fill-up.”
  3. Keep water handy 
    Water is a better option than many other drink choices. Keep a water bottle in your backpack and at your desk to satisfy your thirst. Skip soda, fruit drinks, and energy and sports drinks. They are sugar-sweetened and have few nutrients.
  4. Make a list of favorite foods 
    Like green apples more than red apples? Ask your family food shopper to buy quick-to-eat foods for the fridge like mini-carrots, apples, oranges, low-fat cheese slices, or yogurt. And also try dried fruit; unsalted nuts; whole-grain breads, cereal, and crackers; and popcorn.
  5. Start cooking often 
    Get over being hungry by fixing your own snacks and meals. Learn to make vegetable omelets, bean quesadillas, or a batch of spaghetti. Prepare your own food so you can make healthier meals and snacks. Microwaving frozen pizzas doesn’t count as home cooking.
  6. Skip foods that can add unwanted pounds 
    Cut back on calories by limiting fatty meats like ribs, bacon, and hot dogs. Some foods are just occasional treats like pizza, cakes, cookies, candies, and ice cream. Check out the calorie content of sugary drinks by reading the Nutrition Facts label. Many 12-ounce sodas contain 10 teaspoons of sugar.
  7. Learn how much food you need 
    Teen guys may need more food than most adults, teen girls, and little kids. It shows how much food you need based on your age, height, weight, and activity level. It also tracks progress towards fitness goals.
  8. Check Nutrition Facts labels 
    To grow, your body needs vitamins and minerals. Calcium and vitamin D are especially important for your growing bones. Read Nutrition Facts labels for calcium. Dairy foods provide the minerals your bones need to grow.
  9. Strengthen your muscles 
    Work on strengthening and aerobic activities. Work out at least 10 minutes at a time to see a better you. However, you need to get at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day.
  10. Fill your plate like MyPlate

Body Image and Self-Esteem

Do you ever wish you could change something about your body? If so, you're not alone. Lots of people feel unhappy with some part of their looks. But when you get stuck on what you don't like, it can really bring down your self-esteem.
You don't need a perfect body to have a good body image. When you like your body as it is, right now, you boost your body image. And your self-esteem too.
But what if I need to be in better shape? Some people think, "When I get in better shape, I'll like my body. But it's best to start the other way. First, accept your body. Find things to like about it. Take good care of your body. When you like your body, it's easier to treat it right.
Want to look and feel your best? Here are some tips:

Accept Your Body

  • Nobody's perfect. Everybody wants to be liked and accepted just as they are. That's true for every BODY, too! See your body the way it is. Be less of a critic. Be more of a friend.
  • Don't body-shame yourself. When you make harsh comments about your own body, it hurts your self-esteem. That's true whether you say it out loud or think it to yourself. It hurts just as much as if someone else said it. Be kind. Respect yourself, even if you have things to work on.
  • Build a better habit. Do you have a habit of putting your body down? To break that bad habit, build a good one in its place. Tell yourself what you like instead of what you don't. Keep doing it until it is a habit.

Like Your Body

  • Find things to like about your looks. Maybe you like your hair, face, or hands. What about your shape, shoulders, or legs? Your eyes or your smile? Tell yourself what you like and why. If you get stuck, think of what your good friends like about how you look. Accept those things. Know that there's lots to like about you. Let yourself feel good.
  • Focus on what your body can DO. There's more to your body than your looks. When you play a sport, walk, run, dance, swim — that's your body in action. Your body is there for you when you stretch, reach, climb, or jump for joy. When you carry things, build things, or give someone a hug. Be amazed. Be thankful.
  • Be aware of your body. Don't ignore your body as you go through the day. Learn to breathe slowly and calmly as you move and stretch. Learn to tell when your body needs food or rest. Enjoy the way your body feels when you walk, run, and play.

Take Care of Your Body

  • Eat healthy foods. Learn what foods are good for you, and how much is the right amount. Take your time when you eat. Really taste your food. Enjoy it. Eating right helps you look your best. It gives you the energy you need. And it boosts your body image. When you treat your body right, you feel good about yourself.
  • Get good sleep. Learn how much sleep you need for your age. Get to bed on time. Turn off screens hours before bedtime so you can sleep well.
  • Be active every day. Your body needs to move to be strong, fit, and healthy. You can be active by playing a sport. You can run, walk, work out, do yoga, swim, or dance. Pick activities you like. Enjoy the fun you can have.
  • Keep to a healthy weight. Being a healthy weight is good for you. And it helps you feel good about your body. But don't try to diet on your own. Always talk to your parent or doctor. Your doctor can suggest ways you can keep to a weight that's right for you.

Sunday 12 January 2020


La crisis climática ocupa el primer puesto en la lista de los principales problemas ambientales que sufre el planeta y que requieren una solución urgente. Tras él aparece la pérdida de biodiversidad.
1.       Da tu opinión personal en 3 líneas ¿la pérdida de biodiversidad te parece un problema realmente serio? ¿Por qué? 
2.       Indica cuatro causas que conducen a la pérdida de biodiversidad en nuestro país. (A cada causa 1 o 2 líneas)

3.       Busca información y apunta cuatro razones importantes por las que es beneficioso conservar la biodiversidad. (A cada razón dedica 1 o 2 líneas)
¿Quién se ocupa de medir la perdida de biodiversidad del planeta?
 La Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN) es la encargada de realizar esta labor
Y anota las 9 categorías que utiliza la UICN para clasifican las especies en función del grado de riesgo de extinción a al cual están expuestas.
Con todas las especies en riesgo se elaboran las Listas Rojas de Especies Amenazadas que son una herramienta esencial para evaluar el estado de la biodiversidad del planeta.
A su vez cada país publica sus propias Listas Rojas, por ejemplo, la de Flora Vascular Española.
5.       Abre y lee la noticia:
¿Cuantos taxones de flora se recogen en la última Lista Roja?
Mira el siguiente documental:
6.                   Da tu opinión personal en 3 líneas ¿es necesario seguir gastando dinero en conservación o  hay ahora asuntos más importantes? ¿Por qué? 
7.                   Cita 3 o 4 medidas efectivas tendentes a conservar la biodiversidad (para cada medida 1 o 2 líneas)
En España existe un Listado de Especies Silvestres en Régimen de Protección Especial donde se recogen todas las especies que pueden estar amenazadas en un futuro cercano y para las que se recoge la obligatoriedad de evaluar periódicamente su estado de conservación y la prohibición de afectar negativamente a su situación. Dentro de este listado está el Catálogo Español de Especies Amenazadas.

8.                   Ve a la página del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica,  y  anota cuántas categorías reconoce la legislación española y explica las diferencias entre ellas.
9.                   Busca información sobre una  especie vegetal y otra animal:
1.    una imagen para conocer su aspecto 
2.    su nombre común (si lo tienen),
3.    su área de distribución (a nivel mundial y en España),
4.    número de poblaciones en España y
5.    la razón de que aparezcan en este catálogo.

10.               Visita la anterior página y apunta:
nº de especies de vertebrados amenazados
nº de especies de invertebrados amenazados

Finalmente, busca el nombre de al menos tres especies de fauna o flora amenazadas/protegidas que vivan en Almería y anota las webs que has consultado para encontrarlas.


España es uno de los países con mayor diversidad biológica de la Unión Europea debido, entre otros, a factores tales como su posición geográfica, su diversidad geológica, la gran variabilidad climática, orográfica y edáfica, la historia paleobiogeográfica o la existencia de islas.
La Ley 42/2007 de 13 de diciembre, del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad, establece el régimen jurídico básico de la conservación, uso sostenible, mejora y restauración del patrimonio natural y de la biodiversidad. Los principios que inspiran la ley se centran en el mantenimiento de los procesos ecológicos esenciales y de los sistemas vitales básicos, en la preservación de la diversidad biológica, genética, de poblaciones y de especies, la variedad, singularidad y belleza de los ecosistemas naturales, y la diversidad geológica y del paisaje.
Fotografía del castillo de Acher, Huesca. Autor: Carlos Díaz García-Carrasco
La ley establece una serie de instrumentos para el conocimiento y la planificación del patrimonio natural y la biodiversidad, tales como el Inventario Español del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad, el Plan Estratégico del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad y las Directrices para la Ordenación de los Recursos Naturales.
En cuanto a la conservación de hábitats y espacios naturales, incorpora las Áreas Marinas Protegidas, e incluye las disposiciones relativas a la Red Ecológica Europea Natura 2000 y a las Áreas protegidas por instrumentos internacionales. Respecto a la conservación de la biodiversidad silvestre, la ley crea el Listado de Especies en Régimen de Protección Especial y el Catálogo Español de Especies Amenazadas, así como el Catálogo Español de Especies Exóticas Invasoras. Se regula también la protección de las especies en relación con la caza y la pesca continental  y se establece el Inventario Español de Caza y Pesca. De igual modo se regula el acceso a los recursos genéticos procedentes de taxones silvestres y el reparto de beneficios derivados de su utilización.
La ley crea además el Fondo para el Patrimonio Natural y la Biodiversidad, instrumento de cofinanciación dirigido a asegurar la cohesión territorial y la consecución de los objetivos de la ley, la Comisión Estatal para el Patrimonio Natural y la Biodiversidad, como órgano consultivo y de cooperación entre el Estado y las comunidades autónomas, y el Consejo Estatal para el Patrimonio Natural y la Biodiversidad, como órgano de participación pública en el ámbito de la conservación y el uso sostenible del patrimonio natural y la biodiversidad.




Por su posición geográfica (entre dos continentes), su compleja orografía, su diversidad climática y su historia, incluyendo los usos tradicionales que hasta hace poco imperaban en la mayor parte del territorio, España alberga una extraordinaria diversidad de especies en el contexto de la región templada en la que se encuentra. La endemicidad, (especies y subespecies exclusivas) es especialmente patente en los archipiélagos y las áreas de montaña, y su conservación constituye uno de los grandes retos y prioridades. España también alberga numerosas especies migradoras de fauna, tanto terrestres como marinas, para las cuales nuestro país es punto clave en sus viajes. Dentro de éstas, algunas se encuentran en paso hacia latitudes tropicales o norteñas, mientras que otras permanecen en España en la estación desfavorable, gracias a los recursos que propicia su clima temperado.
En total, se ha estimado que la riqueza de especies en España podría rondar las 80.000, aunque todavía no se puede dar una cifra precisa porque para ciertos grupos, sobre todo invertebrados, el conocimiento taxonómico es incompleto y deberán describirse todavía muchas especies nuevas en el futuro. Las especies españolas se enfrentan a un buen número de amenazas, fundamentalmente derivadas de la transformación del territorio, de la pérdida y degradación de los hábitats naturales, de la sustitución de los usos tradicionales, de la fragmentación de las poblaciones naturales y del cambio climático. Mención especial merecen las especies exóticas invasoras, una de las mayores amenazas que actualmente afrontan las especies autóctonas.

La recopilación de la riqueza y diversidad de las especies españolas es una de las tareas encomendadas al Inventario Español del Patrimonio Natural y la Biodiversidad, así como el conocimiento sobre su demografía, distribución y estado de conservación. La manera más habitual de clasificar a las especies tomando como base su estado de conservación, es a través de los Libros o Listas Rojas, que aplican las categorías internacionalmente aceptadas de la UICN. Esta información es muy valiosa, aunque no tiene validez jurídica, ya que puede servir como fundamento para posteriores propuestas de protección legal. El Inventario Español de Especies Terrestres recoge esta información para las especies no marinas españolas.

Wednesday 8 January 2020

How much water do we consume at home?

You will conduct a study on water comsumption in your house.
1. Record all the activities that your family does at home that involves water expenditure.

2. Calculate the total water used per activity during a week using this table:

                               ACTIVITY                      CONSUMPTION (L)
                           Taking a shower                       20-40
                           Washing hands                           1.5
                           Flushing the toilet                      20-40
                           Home cleaning                             10
                           Dishwasher                                200
                           Hand washing                             4-6
                           Laundry                                      200
                           Eating and drinking/ day            3-6

3. Calculate the percentage of water consumed in your house in each activity and draw a bar chart with the data obtained.

4. Conclusions: Which activities use up more water?
                           Which use less water?
                          How much water is used in your house per person?
                           In which activities could you reduce water consumption?
                           Propose measures to reduce water consumption in your homes.

5. You can calculate your ecological footprint water;